The 8051 Microcontroller kit is a professional design single board computer. The intention for this design is to make a cheap microcontroller trainer for school students. With the hex monitor program, student will learn how to program the 8051 microcontroller using hex code.
Machine code programming is the basic for learning real microcontroller hardware and instruction operation.
Here is the example:
Address hex code instruction comment
9000 04 INC A increment accumulator register
9001 01 00 AJMP 9000 jump back to 9000
We can test this small code by entering hex code 04, 01 and 00 to memory at location 9000, 9001 and 9002.
Then test it with key STEP running, we will see the binary counting up at the 8-bit debugging LED. This will teach student binary number counting. They will see the real operation and how computer counts the binary number.
Hardware features:
- Processor: AT89S52, Microcontroller, 11.0592MHz with 8kB monitor program.
- Memory: 256 bytes onchip memory, 32kB external code and data memory, 62256
- I/O port: Onchip P1 and P3.
- Timer/counter: 16-bit timer 0,1,2.
- Watchdog: Onchip Watchdog reset
- RESET: Brownout reset chip, KIA4072.
- Decoder: PLD memory and I/O decoder chip, GAL16V8
- Display: 6-digit high brightness 7-segment LED, LTC4727
- 8-bit debugging LED, Carry flag display and P1.7 LED.
- Keypad: 16-hex keys, 9 function keys and 3 CPU control keys.
- Serial port: RS232C 9600 8n1, male connector.
- LCD: 16-pin CPU bus interface for text LCD.
- Expansion: 40-pin header.
Electrical Power consumption 80mA @+5VDC.
Mechanical Dimensions: 5.7 x 5.3 inches
Kit is assembled and tested, no AC adapter, no LCD.
Kit will need AC adapter with DC output approx. +9V 200mA. Any text LCD with HD44780 compatible can use.
More information please visit Build your own 8051 kit
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8051 Microcontroller Kit